Appendix 1
Fanshawe Student Union Club Charter

(Please spell out short forms)

Logo must be in .jpg or .png format and must be less than 2 MB.

Type of Club:
Refer to the Club Policy, Section 1.1.2, for definitions of these club types

Note: Input SMART Goals ( Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)

Enter that info in the field below, or, upload an Excel document using the field button under it.

To form a club, there must be a President and Vice President. Additionally, two Signing Officers are required for clubs with funding. Only one of these signing officers can be the President or Vice President.

Signing Officers:

If the club has other leadership positions (example: Secretary, Treasurer, etc.) please make note of these individuals below. These positions are OPTIONAL.

Include additional Information for the online listing here. This may also be added to the charter after the club is ratified. Club logos must be sent via email if you would like them included in your listing (pending approval). These images must be PDF or high-resolution PNG:

If the club is a Program Association or has a Faculty/Staff Advisor, fill below:

If the club is an on-campus chapter or partnered/affiliated with any professional association/business, fill below and attach a copy of the organization’s Certificate of Liability Insurance

Re-type your name in the field above
Clubs must have a minimum of five full-time, registered, post-secondary students as members to be ratified and ten full-time, registered, post-secondary students (including two signing officers) to receive funding. All student numbers will be verified before the club is approved. Clubs must be open to all students at Fanshawe College regardless of race, religion, ability, gender, sexual orientation or monetary status.

Member #1:

Member #2:

Member #3:

Member #4:

Member #5:

5 members required for Club Ratification
Member #6:

Member #7:

Member #8:

Member #9:

Member #10:

10 members required for Club Funding
Member #11:

Member #12:

Member #13:

Member #14:

Member #15:

Member #16:

Member #17:

Member #18:

Member #19:

Member #20:

Member #21:

Member #22:

Member #23:

Member #24:

Member #25: