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United Way Chili Cook-Off

  • October 9

United Way Chili Cook-Off

  • 11:00 a.m.
  • Forwell Hall at London Campus
  • Free

All proceeds from this event go directly to the Fanshawe United Way campaign. Chili will be available in Forwell Hall, in the SUB, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. or until we are sold out. A $5 minimum donation gets you a bowl of chili, a bottle of water, a bun and a cookie. Veggie option also available.

After you have had a taste, vote for the best chili on campus using the ballot box provided at the event. The winner will be announced at 12:45 p.m. in Forwell Hall.

Red peppers are shown, as is a ribbon that says Best chili. Text states, Fanshawe's United Way presents Chili Cook-Off. $5 minimum donation includes: chili, water, buns and cookie. Veggie options available. All proceeds go directly to the Fanshawe United Way campaign. Your vote counts! Offical sponsors. Logo shown for the FSU, Fanshawe College and the United Way.
A red speech bubble with a white question mark inside.