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Condom Casino

  • February 13

Condom Casino

  • 7:00 p.m.
  • Oasis at London Campus
  • Free

The FSU, Fanshawe Residence Services and Fanshawe's Sexual Violence Prevention office present the return of the Condom Casino to Oasis, inside the Student Centre. This will be a night full of glitz and glamour, so semi-formal/black tie attire is suggested. There will be a variety of casino games to play. The more chips you win, the better chance you will have of leaving with one of the big prizes. Free condoms will also be given out.

All Fanshawe students are invited to attend and one non-Fanshawe guest per student is permitted. The guest must arrive with the student.

An illustration of a slot machine with cards, condoms and poker chips surrounding it. FSU, Fanshawe Residence and Sexual Violence Prevention logos are shown. Test states: Condom Casino. Casino games, prizes, free condoms.
A red speech bubble with a white question mark inside.