If you are experiencing gender-based or sexual violence, confidential support and options are available through Fanshawe's Counselling and Accessibility Services and through Fanshawe's Sexual Violence Prevention Advisor. Support and options include medical treatment, counselling, reporting and academic accommodations.
To review your options confidentially with Counselling and Accessibility Services, call 519.452.4282 or email counselling@nullfanshawec.ca.
We believe survivors. Sexual violence is never the survivor’s fault. It is not necessary to make a formal complaint of sexual violence in order to access support, services, or accommodations. The violence does not have to take place when you are a Fanshawe student, and you may access support for acts of violence that have taken place off-campus.
Gender-based and sexual violence is any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent. The act can be physical or psychological in nature and can include sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, cyber harassment and sexual exploitation. All students have the right to be safe and free from gender-based and sexual violence.
To learn more, watch this short video:
FSU holds gender-based and sexual violence support and education related events throughout the year, including:
Visit our Upcoming Events page to view all upcoming events.