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Mental Health & Crisis Support

On-Campus Resources   |  FSU Resources   |  Community Resources 

United For Mental Health

Four illustrated forest animals are shown. The FSU and Fanshawe Student Wellness Centre logos are shown. Text states: United For Mental Health.

The FSU presents United For Mental Health on Monday, January 20 in Forwell Hall, in the SUB. Fanshawe College students can engage in self-care activities and learn about the mental health supports available to them. There will be giveaways, free henna and free hot chocolate. United For Mental Health runs from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

During that time period, there will also be some stress-busting activities in the Student Wellness Centre.

United For Mental Health

During the period of January 20 through January 24, 2025, the Student Wellness Centre will also present United for Mental Health events.

Monday, January 20: Sound Bath

Restore your natural energy flow and harmonize your mind and spirit. This event is open to all (Student Wellness Centre members and non-members) and the SWC will be accepting donations for the United Way. Events will run at 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m., and 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 21: Positive Affirmation Wall

Stop by the Fitness Centre and pick up a positive affirmation to keep your week going strong.

Wednesday, January 22: Climbing Headspace

Visit the Rock Wall to learn how to overcome common mental barriers you may experience while climbing.

Thursday, January 23: Group Exercise Class Draw

Attend any group fitness class this day for a chance to be entered to win a $25.00 gift card. Instructors will share the importance of exercise for mental health.

Friday, January 24: Breathing Exercises

Stop by the Fitness Centre and grab your favourite breathing exercise from their selection. Take what speaks to you!

On-Campus Resources

Counselling & Accessibility Services

Counsellors provide a confidential atmosphere where you can explore any topic or situation and discuss any concerns you may have. Fanshawe College’s counsellors are professionally trained, have a wealth of experience and knowledge and can assist you in areas such as academic issues, career counselling and personal concerns. If you are a full-time student, you are welcome to make an appointment with any of Fanshawe College’ personal counsellors.

Visit Fanshawe's Counselling Services page or email

Gender-Based & Sexual Violence Support

Confidential support and options are available. The Sexual Violence Prevention Advisor can provide support and information about your options, which may include medical, counselling, reporting and academic accommodations. Sexual violence is never the survivor’s fault. It is not necessary to make a formal complaint of sexual violence in order to access support, services, or accommodations. The violence does not have to have taken place when you were a Fanshawe student, and you may access support for acts of violence that have taken place off-campus. We believe survivors. To learn more, visit our Gender-Based & Sexual Violence Support & Education page.

Library Learning Commons Resources

Visit the Library Learning Commons' (LLC) Mental Health & Wellness Resources page for resources on a number of topics including:

  • General Mental Health
  • Addiction
  • Anger Management
  • Bipolar Disorder & Schizophrenia
  • Bullying
  • Eating disorders
  • Finances
  • Fear & Panic
  • Grief & Bereavement
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Self Esteem
  • Self Harm
  • Sexual Violence & Abuse
  • Sleep
  • Stress, Anxiety & Depression
  • Suicide

FSU Resources

Coping With Change Videos

Daily Check-ins

Thumbnail from a video. Text states, Coping With Change: Daily Check-ins


Thumbnail from a video. Text states, Coping With Change: Escapes

Seeking Support

Thumbnail from a video. Text states, Coping With Change: Seeking Support

List Your Fears

Thumbnail from a video. Text states, Coping With Change: List Your Fears

Sleeping Habits

Thumbnail from a video. Text states, Coping With Change: Sleeping Habits

Interrobang Articles

Photo of a person with their head in their hands, appearing frustrated.

Zero Man Suicide campaign aims to break stigma

Voice of Men 360 joined International Men’s Day for the Zero Man Suicide campaign to host a two-day virtual... Continue reading

An illustration of a person painting on a canvas

How one Londoner uses art to manage her mental health

An increasing body of evidence supports the idea that engaging with various forms of art can be a powerful... Continue reading

Photo of a woman with her head resting on a sofa, wearing headphones.

The healing power of music: A therapeutic escape from student stress

The life of a student is often characterized by a whirlwind of assignments, exams, and extracurricular... Continue reading

Artwork shoring two paramedics tending to a patient on a stretcher

Paramedics and mental health: A closer look

There is a saying that states that things in our work life should be left at work and not thought about... Continue reading

Visit The Interrobang website to view more articles.

FSU Events

FSU holds many mental health related events throughout the year, including:

  • Mindful Moments
  • Chill Lounge
  • Wellness Wishes

Visit our Upcoming Events page to view all upcoming events.

Community Resources

CMHA Thames Valley

CMHA Thames Valley’s goals are to promote good mental health, prevent further illness, offer treatment, support recovery and provide mental health education in the communities of London, Middlesex, Exeter and Goderich. More information is available at Canadian Mental Health Association Thames Valley .


ConnexOntario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling. Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit .

Family Service Thames Valley

Provides accessible and affordable, mental health, trauma, and wellness counselling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples, families in London-Middlesex. More information can be found at Family Service Thames Valley or by phoning 519-433-0183.


According to the Good2Talk Website, “Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365”. Its primary focus is on ages 17 to 25 and they can be reached by phone at 1-866-925-5454, you can text GOOD2TALKON to 686868, you can use the Peer-to-Peer Community at , or contact them through their social media accounts @good2talkon

Kids Help Line

Free, anonymous counselling done via phone, text or live chat through their app or website. Get in touch with them at 1-866-925-5454 or .

London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC)

LHSC houses a Mental Health Care Program that offers services for Eating Disorders, Adult Inpatient Mental Health Service, Centralized Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison, Coordinated Intake for Ambulatory Mental Health, General Adult Ambulatory Mental Health, Prevention & Early Intervention in Psychosis, Traumatic Stress and Urgent Consultation, among others. According to the LHSC website they “offer a wide range of programs which reflect the diversity of our clients…our main focus is excellence in patient care”. They also offer a 24 hour crisis hotline that can be reached at 519-433-2023. More information can be found at .


Exists in the space where mental health, wellness, engagement and technology meet, working with community partners and young people aged 14 to 29 to co-create interactive tools and innovative resources to build capacity and resilience. They can be contacted at , , , and

Reach Out

According to their website, “Reach Out is a confidential 24/7 information, support and crisis service for people living with mental health or addictions concerns in Elgin, Oxford, Middlesex and London”. They offer services that include a mobile crisis intervention team; emotional trauma, distress or relapse services; depression, self-harm or suicidal counselling; access to community supports and addictions treatment; counselling for Substance use, gaming, internet disorder and problem gambling; as well as other general information about mental health and addictions. Their online, confidential web chat can be found at or you can call 519-433-2023.

A red speech bubble with a white question mark inside.